How good is your first impression?
Within as little as 3 seconds, people evaluate and form an opinion of who or what they see for the first time. Neurobiology research has proven this and termed this human tendency “anchoring”. This “sizing up” applies to your personal appearance and your online identity.
Today, many of our initial contacts are happen digitally using Google, LinkedIn, Zoom, and social media, before connecting with you in person. And our websites and online profiles are representing us 24/7 where the first impressions occur without our knowledge.
Having an appropriate, professional image is a must – this is consistent with success. If your business is not represented well, you will miss out on opportunities, customers and clients. If you are seeking employment, negative or questionable images. and postings may impact how potential employers qualify you.
Find out how you appear – as others would find you – by searching your name or business, then audit the results. Below are 4 ways to master your online brand and digital reputation:
Website: A well-designed, mobile responsive, and easy-to-navigate website can be the difference between someone staying or bouncing based on their first impression. The imagery and content should be engaging to hold the user’s interest and provide value.
Cut the Clutter: Keep your content simple and concise. Web visitors will skim the content, so using fewer words is better. There will be other opportunities for you to elaborate. Intentionally leave a few details out, and provide contact forms for prospects to request more information. This drives higher engagement, conversions and opportunities.
Maintain Social Profiles: Think about what target audience each platform would help you reach, and come up with a strategy for content and maintenance. A profile with fresh content that is updated frequently, attracts followers.
Consistent Postings: Maintain a consistent brand message across all channels. Learn about analytics to monitor your posts and responses. Provide content that is meaningful to your audience.
If you are worried that your online brand isn’t strong enough, contact All Media Marketing for a digital first-impression audit. 321-698-1550.