Trends in branding, like those in fashion, constantly evolve. Following, and perhaps incorporating elements of these trends, even if subtly done, can make a lasting and positive impression.

Below are a few more branding trends for 2023.
(Please visit our website for Part 1 of Trends in Branding)

6 – Human Voice

Advertising trends are moving towards sounding natural. Businesses are communicating their messages like authentic human beings by being more personable and interactive. Shared perspectives may include green, political or social initiatives to engage  conversation. Using this branding strategy, brands can express their culture and values, and build their unique communities.

7 – Nostalgia

If we examine older branding strategies, consider Burger King or other long-standing brands and their marketing during the 70s and 80s. More and more brands are taking inspiration from days gone by with strategies that invoke fond memories and positive emotions.

8 – Easy Graphic Design Tools

More people are tackling their advertising using easy-to-use graphic design tools such as Canva or Adobe Creative Cloud Express. Kudos for initiative, but if you don’t have the skillset to produce good-looking graphics, recruit a professional.

9 – Embrace Memes

Memes have become a popular type of social media engagement. This online trend is already permeating conventional industries, with more firms uploading memes to their social media profiles. Incorporating the use of memes is a friendly and approachable strategy to connecting with an audience and increasing brand awareness.

It’s always beneficial to follow trends in branding. Keep your marketing fresh and contemporary with trending updates without compromising your brand aesthetic.autherntic