We all are familiar with Google’s search engine. Google Trends is a complementary service that taps into their proprietary algorithm for search results. Using this tool will educate and enable marketers to strategize effectively using their marketing calendars and campaign topics.

Search trends can be reviewed by historic or real time parameters, geographic location, most-searched, or trending (or rising) words or phrases.

Below are 8 tips to get the most out of trending data.

1. “Trending” vs “top-searched”. Trending (or rising) searches are those that are accelerating the fastest, while “top-searched,” or “most-searched” are the queries made in a specific time frame. Trending searches are useful for seeing how things are changing.

2. Search by topic when you can. Google Trends lets you select your option to either search for a “term” or “topic.” Topics are language agnostic, and account for spelling variations and mistakes, as well as multiple names for the same thing.

3. Compare data from different geographic locations. Google Trends normalizes search terms so that search results from different geographic areas are comparable. For example you can see that the metro area most searching for “brunch” this year is a tie between Charleston, South Carolina and Miami, Florida. Whereas the top metro area searching for “breakfast” is Panama City, Florida.

4. Find out what’s trending right now. Real-time search data reveals what’s happening in the moment and in the context of news coverage.

5. Search data can reveal common interests. Get ideas for content and respond to common  interests in your sales, advertising, communications and blogs.

6. What’s trending near you? Search what’s been trending in a metro area – without a search term. Data reveals what’s been trend history over the past month, or even year.

7. Save and download your data.

8. Trends results are not scientific. Search trends show interest in particular topics during a window of time.

This commentary is not intended to be a commercial for Google Trends, but this resource can be an asset to your marketing strategy. This is a great way to peek behind the curtain at the constantly changing interests of people around the world. Have fun with it!

For more information about how you can benefit from Trends data, identifying market niches, seasonal trends, and more, contact All Media Marketing at 321-698-1550.